Wednesday, 29 November 2023


It's that dark, rainy time of year in Vancouver. I always get hit with SADs. Seasonal Affect. It feels like I'm living underwater, everything is slow and dreamlike, and I start to beat up on myself for everything and anything, real or imagined. I want to spend more time with my kids but I have a house which needs to be livable eventually.

Yesterday I showed up at the renovation; it was an icebox inside. I had to wait there for half a day for the delivery men to drop off the stove, fridge, and dishwasher. It was too icy to be productive. My hands were so cold they ached, my feet were numb, I set up a portable heater under a lawn chair (in my kitchen) and sat there, warmed my ass, and burnt my ankles.

Playing Black Chamber by Becami Cusak

Spoilers ahead. And this isn't an objective review, just a hyped play through. Black Chamber by Becami Cusak, published by Lamentatio...